
Our destination is Key West but getting there is the real trip. We will be traveling down the west coast of Florida to the Everglades and on to Key West. We never really know what we will discover along the way. Hope you enjoy following along.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Made it to savannah, y'all

We rolled into town and were greeted by yet another roadside attraction. We then headed downtown for a quick dinner and off to a state park for the night.  The campground is full of spanish moss and palmettos, beautiful!  We met some nice grad students from Penn State here to present history papers at a conference.  They actually came south for the warmth but so far it has eluded all of us. Today we're heading back into Savannah to look around before continuing south. 


  1. No warm weather in Savannah? Guess life is like a box of....

  2. We will just have to fly south until we find warm weather.
